A marriage proposal on Otonoha?


An entertainment professional said, “On November 15, last year, just after Ninomiya announced his marriage, Sakurai wrote at his official blog“ Otonoha:

“I tell you (whom it close to me) let’s share the same dream”『内野であるあなたに向けてのみに伝えよう』『さあ、同じ夢を見よう』“naiyadearu anata ni mukete nomi ni tsutaeyou” “sa, onaji yume o miyou”

Because there was also Ninomiya issue, fans read “Naiya = Arashi fan” (Sakurai talked at his fans as someone closer to him), Sakurai impressed his fans thinking of Arashi.
However, this time, the existence of A-ko san (Takauchi Mieko) emerged, and it was said that this Mieko’s birthday was on November 15, and the story of “Naiya= A-ko” was widespread.
Fans shouted on tw “I’ll let you know! I’m in rage mode at once” “it was a marriage proposal” , “It looks like a message…Do you really get married?,   “You who are my closest” No way! she?“ (From Tokyo Sports 2020年02月07日)


Author Note: 内野=A子さん
Sho is not hidden anymore. that’s the most cutest thing! He is a romantic men after all… as expected of a wonderful men. I’m so proud of him, he deserves a happy life. I guess I falling in love with Sho again. By Aさん  (A – san)


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