The grudge against Arashi was deep . The battle between Aiba and Ariyoshi


The grudge against Arashi was deep … The battle between Masaki Aiba and Ariyoshi over the program after Nippon Television “Anohito” has already been settled
It was reported that “Anohito!” Ended in March and a new program will start in April.
At the moment, Aiba Masaki is MC of “Hajimemashite! Ichiban tōi shinseki-san” and “ariyoshinokabe” is hosted by Ariyoshi Hiroiki
It is supposed that two variety special programs are fighting for the position of the later program.
However, in fact, it’s an open story. But it seems that Ariyoshi-san’s program has already been settled, and behind that is the grudge against Johnny’s by Nippon Television. [Nikkan saizō]
“"Hajimemashite!..” first version broadcast in August last year with an average audience rating of 12.2% (based on video research, Kanto area / the same below). And the second installment, scheduled for February 11, reveals that DAIGO and Yuta Chiba have a distant relative relationship, so high ratings are expected.
When Arashi pauses, Aiba’s regular TV program
“Tensai! Shimura dōbutsuen”” will be reduced, Aiba will definitely want to become a regular" (Sports reporter)
On the other hand, Ariyoshi’s program has not lost. Began in 2015, and although it is an irregular special, has a sense of stability, every time exceeds the average rating of 12%.

“The theme is that young comedians who will lead the next generation will challenge the” comedy wall “prepared by Ariyoshi. If a new popular entertainer is born from the program, there is also a chance include them to the show”.
Above all, it is going to be a fight that Aiba can never win, because the bottleneck is the “grudge”.
“Nippon Television will decide after seeing the numbers in the second broadcast”
In fact, it seems to be decided in “Ariyoshinokabe”.
This is because the stream of Arashi’s Diary Voyage was bought by Netflix. It wasn’t acceptable for NTV (They owns Hulu).
Last year, also “new map” (former SMAP members) made an appearance in ““warattehaikenai”” , just to say the least. “
In order for Aiba make a major reversal, needs a high audience rating on the broadcast of February 11. Maybe to roar the upper level of NTV. [Nikkan saizō]
A previous report said that Aiba-chan was "disqualified from regulars” due to her lack of ability. Even though he copied Nakai Masahiro … MC is impossible for Aiba Masaki!

However, it seems that NTV had considerable resentment for being “betrayed”. Despite of receiving great criticism so far, it has continued to use Johnny’s for “24 hours TV ” for many consecutive years, making drama for them without bother about rating. “I’ve done a lot for Johnny’s”.

Whatever the reason, “ARASHI”, one of the largest “kanenonaruki” (Jade Tree) is out of NTV hands.
The best thing about group last business was taken to a rival company. It is natural to feel like that.


Author note: I hope Aiba become a regular MC soon! He arrived to FNS on Fuji ! maybe remains on NHK after Olympics? Gambatte Aiba chan! By A-san

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