Arashi’s regular shows remain active in 2021


It appears that some TV officials have stated to Josei Seven that ARASHI is planning to continue their stable programs during the hiatus. It is said that although Ohno will not appear in the broadcasts of VSArashi & Arashi ni shiyagare, the other four will continue to appear there. During the hiatus press conference the five said they would protect Arashi and the leader affirmed that Arashi is a treasure he wants to protect. It is also known that members will remain active individually only Ohno will not participate in their activities. It is said that Aiba Masaki (37) has proposed that each member be MC of the programs individually and take turns with each other and also a weekly random combination.

In addition, since it will be difficult to form a team like the current VS Arashi to face off, it may be possible to change it to a panel talk or town location that invites guests. (People related to TV stations)

The four members decided to continue to take on challenges even after the activity was suspended.
In this way it seems that the members of Arashi will prepare the ground for the return on their 25th anniversary. The sources assure that they intend to continue with presence on the screen in such a way that create a fertile field for the return of Ohno.

Author Note: Really? that would be excellent news *** by A~san

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