高内三恵子 櫻井翔 in Hawaii

Did you smell on SNS?

The fans are upset that it seems that has been the case. Although at the time of the announcement of the marriage the presence of Mieko Takauchi was not noticed, it seems that in the past the aroma of her was felt in the SNS and in the official blog of Sakurai.

Sakurai Sho’s marriage partner is Takauchi Mieko, who has smelled in the past, it’s said.


  • 1- Intimate conversation on twitter with arashi’s choreographer
  • 2- Smell on SNS 
  • 3- Deleting SNS right after the Bunshun scoop was released
  • 4- Appear at concert
  • 5- travel dress and fetich 
  • 6 –  hats are matched
  • 7- Otonoha proposal
  • 8- Otonoha lyrics of Mr. Children
  • 9- Pose of yo!
  • 10- Arashi have a “unusual” collaboration with ABC TV from Kansai 
  • 11- Both attending together at Koshien 

1 – Smelling: interaction with arashi’s choreographer

Sakurai Sho next to Nashimoto

Mr. Taketsu Nashimoto, Arashi’s choreographer and former Johnny’s Jr. He has been seen several times with Arashi members. Nashimoto, who is quite close to Arashi, is rumored to have had a meaningful exchange on Twitter with Mieko Takauchi. The user was @ 3co29 

3co= Mieko and 29 can be read as meat. They talked often, and what sounded suspicious was that if it was an ordinary woman it had no relation to Arashi’s choreographer. The exchanges took place for Arashi’s 15th anniversary in Hawaii and so on. Nashimoto seems to be close with the closest people of Arashi.

2 – Smell on SNS

Seems she often on social media made an appeal that she was fear “to be thrown away” 

and she was being comforted by others saying “you are the one who is chosen” every time Sakurai’s love coverage with Ogawa flows in the media. 

In fact, cyzowoman revealed that Sakurai had a long-term relationship with a female general at the time her relationship with the announcer was discovered. At that time, the magazine said that the relationship with “A-ko” was from the days of Keio university and that for 10 years they had broken up and reunited many times, and that in recent times they separated until they were more friends than lovers and that Sakurai had completely cut off with her when Ogawa came to light. Sakurai and Ako’s relationship has often been rumored on the Internet, and at least since the beginning of this year (2017), there has not been a point of contact between the two.

3- Deleting SNS right after the Bunshun scoop was released

This seems to be the most noticeable smell, once the photos of the premarital trip to Vietnam were published, Mieko deleted all her SNS. Twitter and Instagram were deleted, the accounts where fans took screenshots indicating her relationship with Sakurai.


This article was actually partially published in the past. But with the marriage registration it becomes relevant, if you want to read it directly there are several sources, but I made a compilation of various media and I put them together.

On the other hand, as I said before, it is very romantic that Sho made reference to Mieko’s presence. That must have been one of the points that brought them back together. If he notices you in public, you would be happy right? It seems to be the case. Although as happened with Ninomiya’s relationship these acts of “smell” unleashed the fury of many fans who also see Sho as a kind of traitor. I have read on twitter that many want their money back arguing that they have been deceived for years. LOL

*MORE DETAILS TO FOLLOW * 4 – 11 topics

By A~san

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