Blog FAQ’s

Welcome !

1- Read the presentation in Home section

2- About Translation. The translation of this blog belongs to me (the author). The translations are made from Japanese to English directly. The translation to English is made for this blog only. Don’t claim the translations as your own. Don’t take them without permission. Always credit it and redirect to this blog. 

3- Can the translation be mistaken?. Yes, very likely. I’m not a professional translator. That means I double my effort to  translate the jp style of the gossip into something with shape in English. 

4- Can I re- translated in other language? uhm! If you kindly ask me of course. If not, that is called steal. 

5- Can I repost in english?. No. Redirect to this blog. 

6- Can I make a video, an image or reformat the gossip of this blog?. No. Redirect to this blog.

7- But everyone can translate the same gossip as you, so how do you know if it’s stolen information? Some gossip is posted just like the JP source; some others have to be “arranged” to fit in english. Sometimes I get various sources and compose one single post. I’m not putting mistakes on gramatics or translation on purpose just for the sake of my translation safety. But, I will know if someone takes my work, be sure!

8- Where do you get the gossip?. The main source spread gossip magazines in web pages and paper ones. I’m taking it from SNS in japanese and Jp Tv programs too. 

9- So, gossip doesn’t belong to this blog?. No, the gossip is  in the Japanese media. I don’t create any rumors. My opinions are in the author note section. The translation and the whole presentation are mine.

10- Why do you spread fake news?. There is gossip. There is a great difference between gossip and news. News sometimes is like the Yamaguchi case or a new Arashi drama. Gossip is something which aren’t confirmed facts: could be dating, new job, some fight, etc. The post here was already posted in JP media as rumour. 

11- Why are some gossip translated and others not?. There’s two factors: I didn’t know about them before, If I don’t know of the existence of gossip publications in japanese I don’t translate. Second, the blog already says ‘random’ because some gossip I don’t find its relevance. Use the ask or submit section if something is missing.

11- It’s called Arashi gossip, you translate other johnny’s gossip?. Sometimes I translate some news or gossip of other johnny’s only if the topic is very important or connected with Arashi. If you have some rumor missing use the ask or submit section.

12- Why do you bash arashi? As I said I don’t bash any kind of Johnny’s.

13- Why do you do this? Just for fun. I want all Arashians to know the same things as Japanese fans know. Sometimes the rumour gets confirmed and other times arashi themselves make reference to certain rumour. 

13- It would be nice if you read the blog and just put a ‘like’. If the work I make can be useful just drop a ‘like’. I encourage all the re blogs and discussions about the gossip topic.

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